Interview with Silvia Velando and Lurdes Reina - 'Frente al Espejo' Sorry, we don't have a translator for the moment ...
The university professor challenged his students with this question. ¿Did God create everything that exists? A student bravely replied, "Yes, he did!" "God created everything? The professor asked. "Yes sir", the student replied. The professor answered, "If God created everything, then God created evil since evil exists, and according to...
We would like to share this summer with you with this video so full of happiness...
Some experiences happen. Some happen to us. Yet some of them go right through us. So did this gust of Silence – unsought, unexpected – go through Yolande the day she turned forty. And it left her established in that Silence ever since. What kind...
The kind of silence that Yolande radiates We associate the term “silence” with an absence of noise as well as with inner peace and mental silence. But the kind of silence that Yolande radiates does not belong in the world of words defining concepts. The silence...
For forty years, just like everybody else, I believed I was my thoughts and my body : I believed I was somebody. And then there was a shift. Spontaneously, in a flash, mind was totally silent. Not a single thought: silence, stupefaction, profound astonishment left...
In your own words, you testify to a sudden openness of the self without a reference point or a long spiritual search. What were the circumstances of this awakening? It took only that one moment to see that all that I thought I was, I am...